Wednesday, 15 March 2017


It's nearly spring, so I quickly add two winter pictures. We did not have much snow this winter but we managed to take some pictures:

And 2 more, just to show how big Kakusha has grown. The boots are the same.........

Monday, 30 January 2017

Animal updates

A busy year went by, so it is time for an animal update.
My daughter Pernille got a new horse: Ruf Lil Star, an American Quarterhorse. Until then she was riding Lightning, a mustang born in Denmark, but as he kept bucking her off, we decided to buy her a safer horse. Star is very sweet and gentle and moves beautifully. Pernille is now in the team training for the Youth World Cup in western riding, so we do a lot of driving around to training weekends and clinics. Soon the competition season will start too. All very exciting!

This was Lightning. He went back to the people who bred him.

And in came Star, bred by Annette Midtgaard and trained by Ionna Mc Cabe. Here at a competition at Ionna Mc Cabes.


Pernille's very first pony Pixie died too, she was old and very ill, but we still miss her everyday, she was such a funny little thing. Pernille was not even 2 years old when we got her, and rode her to school when we still lived in Holland.
In October we sadly had to say goodbye to Arwen, our border colly, nearly 13 years old and fit until last summer, playing around with Kakusha and with every guest willing to throw her some sticks...
And then all of a sudden she fell very ill, refused to eat, and after some gruelling weeks we put her to sleep...she is dearly missed, not only by us, or by Kakusha who fell into a real depression afterwards, but by many of our guests. Some guests sent us pictures, some sent stories or fond memories, for which we were very grateful.
