Sunday, 24 March 2013

March, 24
Minus 4, and winter has been back for a week. On the 18th we experienced a severe snowstorm and all trafic was paralyzed. No ferry, and enormous heaps of snow blocked our road. No schoolbus, so my daughter had to stay in town overnight.
My driveway was totally gone and once the wind was down -a few days later- my neighbour  Søren had to come down with his tractor to clear it.
So now we can come down to the farm again. But although I love snow, it should not be here now, it should have been spring weather!
The first peewits are back, but they are looking rather miserable, and I do hope the swallows will stay away for another while, they would freeze to dead right now.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Chasing the waves
At least that is something you can do endlessly here.... and that is what our dog started doing when we moved up here.
We lived near a forest before, far from the sea, so the sea was rather new to her when we came to Denmark.
She is a border collie and in Holland she used to chase our sheep - often in the wrong direction-, or the cockerel and if I went out with the horses, she would always come along, trotting happily behind the sulky, the waggon or the riding horses. When we were out with the waggon, she used to sleep under it on overnight tours.
She still comes along with the horses, and every night she will bring them in from the field. That safes me a lot of walking up and down the hill and she knows what horse we need when I call its name. There is only one risky moment: if the horses are all the way down by the beach and if there are a lot of waves, she might be tempted to leave the horses to me and go on chasing the waves......

Monday, 4 March 2013

Signs of spring

Although the nights are still cold, we have had some lovely sunny days this week and we can see the signs of spring everywhere: small yellow eranthis, snowdrops, and bulbs peeping out of every flowerbed.
Geese are coming in now and the scene in the bird reserve changed from two sea-eagles on the ice, feasting on a coot last week, to a large flock of golden plover noisily stocking up for their journey up North.
Friday I saw the first two sky-larks above my field.
And although I have seen both the male and the female hen-harrier every day last week, I did not see them this weekend, so maybe they have left now. To Sweden? Or across the Baltic. How nice it would be to know.